Need food? We can help. Call 269-781-2954 Leave a message. Please speak clearly and slowly so we can return your call. Other resources available:
Marshall Mobile Meals Fountain Clinic Marshall United Way Oaklawn Hospital Michigan 211 Other Food Pantries Michigan Free Food Community Table of Albion Albion Health Care Alliance Free Clothing Giveaway
There's Enough A Community Exchange Store 413 E. Michigan Ave. Marshall, MI 49068 Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Wednesdays & Saturdays 10:00 am-1:00 pm ![]() To see a list of our food pantry needs click HERE. |
Calendar of EventsMACS has no upcoming events scheduled at this time.
However, once Christmas ends we don't shut our doors. Assistance with emergency needs is available throughout the year. For a food box or other emergency assistance, call 269-781-2954 Leave a message including your name, phone number, and address or contact us by clicking HERE. We are still accepting donations of food and money which helps us provide food, shelter, and utility assistance to those facing a hardship or short term financial emergency over the winter. Click the button below to see how to donate.
Many, many thanks to the wonderful donors and volunteers who helped MACS make Christmas wishes come true for 250 area families and individuals. We couldn't have made this happen without the very generous donations of time, gifts, and funds we received from the Marshall community. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for your support and caring about others.